One undeniable fact is that a large portion of both Democrats and Republicans are more than dissatisfied with their party's nominee. This has left many of the faithful on both sides scratching their heads, wondering what they should do this November. "Should I sat home? Should I vote for a third party? Should I just write in the candidate I voted for in the primary?"
Short of an organized write-in campaign, most write-in votes are simply a record of protest. The same could be said for many third party votes. Third party candidates are generally crack pots, like Vermin Supreme, who want to mandate oral hygiene and give away free ponies to every American, or think tank gurus who are often unknown and have never held elected office. Few voters will vote for a third party candidate with any expectation that he could get elected or actually govern.
Fortunately, the Libertarian Party has offered up a ticket this year that could actually be taken seriously. Unlike the Reform Party of the past, which was nothing more than a vehicle for Ross Perot's cult of personality, the Libertarian Party has been around since 1971, founded on the principles of limited government, non-interventionism, and laissez-faire economics. Current nominee, Gary Johnson, describes the party as being socially liberal and fiscally conservative. (Personally I find that description a bit simplistic and not entirely accurate, but it does convey some semblance of truth.)
The ticket of Gary Johnson and William Weld is not the perfect ideal of Libertarian purity, but they do offer a real, viable alternative to both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Johnson is the former two term governor of New Mexico and Weld is the former two term governor of Massachusetts. Both served as Republican governors of Democratic states where they governed conservatively, yet were solidly re-elected. They enjoyed high popularity and were both considered successful governors. Governors Johnson and Weld each bring more public sector executive experience than both Trump and Clinton combined. When is the last time a third party candidate could say that about the Democrats and Republicans?
Of course, the Libertarian Party has some loons. One of their candidates for chairman stripped off his clothes at the most recent national convention. But every party has their embarrassments. After all, the GOP nominated Donald Trump, a candidate who buys into conspiracy theories such as blaming Bush for 9/11 and accusing Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the JFK assassination. What I do suggest is that you look at the actual candidate himself. Look at Gary Johnson's record as governor. (And I would suggest looking at the actual record of Trump and Clinton too).
As a successful two term governor, Johnson can point to some significant accomplishments:
-Left office with New Mexico as one of the only four states in the country with a balanced budget
-Left New Mexico with a budget surplus
-Used Line Item Veto thousands of times to trim the budget
-Vetoed 750 bills during his time in office; more than all other governors combined
-Cut over 1,200 government jobs without firing anyone
-Created more than 20,000 new jobs
-First New Mexico Governor to challenge education status quo and propose statewide voucher program
-Restored State General Fund reserves to more than $222 million from a low of $28.1 million
-Limited annual state budget growth to 5.0% during eight years in office
-Cut taxes 14 times while never raising them—a first for New Mexico
-Vetoed 32% of the total number of bills submitted for his signature
That is a record any candidate would be proud to run on and would stand up well to anything Trump or Clinton can point to.
Another good reason to support this ticket is that it will get us to actually ask the impertinent questions that need to be asked. For example, what does the Department of Education actually do and why do we even have it? Some will throw up their hands and suggest that we can not touch this sacred cow. "Education is so important that of course we need a Department of Education!" But just slapping a label on something to make it sound important doesn't necessarily make it a good idea. Is there really any doubt that the "Affordable Care Act" has actually made health insurance LESS affordable? It is time for the government to stop coasting. A Libertarian presidency will force politicians to really evaluate the true public value of government institutions and program. We need to start asking if these are redundant, serve the public good, or even if there is a better and more efficient way to serve the original purpose.
Of course there are issues on which I disagree with Johnson. Abortion and religious liberty are two issues where the Libertarian ticket and I are at odds. But I do not expect that I will agree with any candidate 100% of the time. On those issues, I see the courts as having more to say about them than I do any piece of legislation.
I heartily endorse the ticket of Gary Johnson and William Weld for President of the United States. This is a ticket that brings the gravitas one would expect from a Presidential candidacy. I encourage everyone to consider their record and to respond favorably in polls so that they can get in in the debates. Gary Johnson would make a much better President than either Trump or Clinton. Let's see if we can shock the world.
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